Trigger the Bloodshed (United Kingdom (Bristol) )

Trigger the Bloodshed - Degenerate [2010] ( Technical/Brutal Death Metal )
Lable : Metal Blade / Rising Records

I was already a fan of Trigger the Bloodshed from their previous albums Purgation and The Great Depression, but as most reviews for those albums stated, they lacked variety and well... songs. Both releases were unrelenting barrages of brutality with ferocious guitars and machine gun drumming but they lacked standout tracks and tended to merge into one long (very good) track.

This issue has been resolved with the release of their third album, the mighty Degenerate. Gone are the minute long blast-fests of Purgation (did it really need 17 songs?) and the songwriting has matured since The Great Depression. Now individual songs are all at least 3:30 long and are better crafted, with more thought and effort put into each track rather than making the album one intense piece of music. Fear not, they haven't lost a jot of their ferocity and brutality, and this still thunders along at a breath-taking speed, annihilating everything in its path with the intense drumwork, vicious guitars and feral vocals. As per usual for a death metal album it's pretty much impossible to hear the bass, but one has to assume that it's there adding to the atmosphere. The vocals are, in my opinion, fantastic. Jonny doesn't resort to the retarded deathcore inhales or dreaded pig-squeals and instead has a savage roar and you can actually hear his pronunciation of individual words, although, as is the common case with death metal, it is still difficult to tell what he's saying.

It's probably something political though, as they continue their trend of staying away from the overused gore or violence themed lyrics and instead focus on political issues. I personally don't know the lyrics, but I can assume from the delivery that they're pretty angry.

Overall, the best word to describe this release (and the band's work as a whole) is simply ferocious. They may have slowed down a little on this release but they haven't sacrificed any of the brutality and intensity that made me fall in love with them in the first place, and have only slowed down to give the songs some structure. The use of solos is noticeable throughout the album (check out the short one starting at 2:38 in Dead Vein) and really this band is so refreshing in the current scene of endless breakdowns and inhaled pig squeals (a scene which they are unfairly bunched together with sometimes).

If I had any gripe with this album, it would be that it still isn't amazingly memorable... but hey, what do you expect from something this fast, brutal and technical? There are a few solos or segments which may stick with you for a while, but nothing that will get stuck in your head for weeks and this is more of a 'wall of sound' album in the vein of someone like Nile, rather than something groovy and catchy like Cannibal Corpse.

Quite simply a fantastic release from possibly my favourite new British death metal act, and hopefully one that will get them the recognition they deserve! (Metal Hammer gave it 8/10)

Standout tracks: A Vision Showing Nothing, Dead Vein, Sterile Existence...
Actually just listen to the whole thing! And whilst you're at it check put Purgation and The Great Depression too, they aren't quite as good but are still very entertaining and will show you just how far (and fast!) they have advanced!

Download Now !

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