Psycroptic (Australia (West Hobart, Tasmania) )

Psycroptic - Initiation [2010] (Technical Death Metal)
Lable : Nuclear Blast Records

If Initiation does nothing else, it reminds us that despite (very) humble origins in Tasmania, Psycroptic have become a potent, first-rate death metal band who have achieved something so few bands in their field manage - a distinctive sound. The band's first DVD release, thankfully, does offer a little more than being a friendly nudge of acknowledgment for the band's abilities though.

Disc one solely consists of the audio of a ripping, relentlessly brutal 12-track show recorded at Melbourne's HiFi Bar last year. The material spans all four studio albums and is not surprisingly as efficiently delivered as any Psycroptic show you may have witnessed. The DVD disc contains the full visual accompaniment from the show as well and while there's not much flash and sizzle about a Psycroptic live show, there's appropriately nothing glitzy about the editing either. While perhaps not as unique a vocalist as the man he replaced, Jason Peppiatt stalks the stage and after two albums with the band now exudes a greater degree of confidence; even the Matthew Chalk-era material is unleashed with considerable precision. A hefty international touring schedule has made them even tighter and this DVD is clear evidence of that.

Most of the extra features are watchable, if rather standard (studio snippets, tour antics, home videos, film clips, etc) It's unlikely you'll re-watch many of them, but the equipment talk will be of plenty of use to the aspiring death metal musician (and little to none for the non-musicians out there), while the two tracks worth of rehearsal footage is a neat touch. One thing lacking is a documentary providing additional insights regarding how an Australian extreme metal band, let alone one hailing from a location as relatively isolated as Tasmania, managed to become recognized as a world-class outfit who has also completed numerous overseas tours and been signed to one of the biggest labels in the genre (Nuclear Blast is the band's foreign label). What is here is more than adequate and the show itself has replay value, but as a result the overall package feels a tad incomplete.

These quibbles aside, while not a world-beating release, Initiation is a more than solid effort. Psycroptic are one of the best death metal bands around and while this is not a CD/DVD aimed at winning over any converts, the already initiated will get plenty out of this long overdue set.

Download Now !

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