Emeth (Belgium (Zelem-Halen, Limburg) )

Emeth - Telesis [2008] (Brutal Death Metal)
Lable : Brutal Bands

I was in my local cd store the other day, and found this cd. I thought that it was going to be another (in my opinion) monotonous and obnoxious brutal death record as they have done in the past, but I was happily surprised to hear amazing production, better song structure, and the lack of the tin can snare drum that plagued their first cd.

First off, the drumming. It's clear, loud, and thumps away the entire cd. It can get a tad old after listening to the cd a number of times, but is good nonetheless. The drummer's technicality and speed reminds me a bit of The Faceless drummer. He’s smooth at transitions and is seemingly tireless. Just listen to the drumming, he is usually thumping away. Of course, the cd is filled with blast beats. Oh, and, there is no tin can snare drum plaguing the songs as it did in their past releases and that plagues most brutal death metal bands.

Probably my favorite part about this cd is that the bass is audible. When played loud and on good speakers or headphones, you can clearly here the basslines. It plays along with the guitar part, but that is what most bass players do nowadays anyways, but it fits in very well. It adds a bit more heaviness to the breakdowns. It could have been turned up A LOT louder, but at least it is more audible than not.

Speaking of the breakdowns, they are actually made interesting and don't attempt at the pseudo-brutality, single note breakdowns ala Suicide Silence, Job For a Cowboy, and countless other bands. For example, at the end of "Silence Goes Unheard" there is the most unexpected thing on this cd: a jazz breakdown. Normally I am not a fan of jazz breakdowns (I see them as mostly a novelty thing), but they only use it once on the entire cd. It makes it unique and stand out. When I first heard it, I had a "What the fuck?" moment, but upon further listening, and it fits very nicely.

The guitars grind away the entire cd. The solos are well executed, and about 90% of the riffs sound original. Sometimes you will get a bit of deja vu, but all of the songs are clearly able to be told apart from the other, another nice surprise.

The vocals are a well executed growl. Most brutal death metal bands I listen to I have to read the lyric sheet when I am first listening to their cd. With this band, I memorized the lyrics for my favorite songs on the 3rd and 4th listens.

Overall, this cd is a very pleasant listen. It’s brutal as fuck, but very catchy and different without trying too hard. A good time to listen to it is when you’re stuck in traffic. I have to say, this is one of my favorite cd’s that I’ve ever bought.

Download Now !

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