Origin (United States of America (Topeka, Kansas) )

Origin - Antithesis [2008] (Technical Brutal Death Metal)
Lable : Relapse Records

Have you ever ordered a cheeseburger, let's say..at Burger King... and right when you were adding the jalapeños (you know? after the first bite) you realize the cheeseburger is actually a regular burger? yes! without cheese!! Obviously you already had a little bite, so you can't return it of course, you then take a seat and while being a little depressed you say, - "well, it's not so bad I guess, many people don't like cheese in the first place...those lactose intolerant guys right? meh... I wanted a cheeseburger!...oh well, what can I do, I'll try to enjoy this or something" you then finish your meal and leave the place unhappy but with a full belly none the less...

That's Antithesis as a whole...cheese is brutality (there are also people who suffer an intolerance for brutality, you see?), the cheeseburger is what you were looking for in the first place (an overwhelming album), and the regular burger is what you get (Antithesis)...so change those variables and re-write the phrase found in the first paragraph and Boom!!...there's your review.

Turns out many people is going crazy about this album..."Probably the best CD released this year"...the best? Compared to what? Aborted and Kataklysm maybe? I think if we were currently living in 2006 (when Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse and Deicide released their awesome albums) Origin would undoubtedly be the black pea in the white rice. Surely it's a good listen, but it's not what I ordered period. What Origin does is not Brutal, it's just plain Death with the fastest execution I've ever heard since the year 2000, but that's it, I didn't want to hear speedy music (that's the main reason why The Berzerker exists, am I right?) playing as fast as only hell can be is not a synonym of brutality.

Sure, it sounds good and it is very entertaining, but it lacks the only thing it promises to deliver; in my opinion that's why people is liking this so much, most people hate Brutal Death, so here comes this album wearing the BDM banner, people try it and hear something bearable...Voilá...a "great" album is born thanks to the media. It's surely fast and hostile, but it's not Brutal Death Metal.

So, in the end I can see myself enjoying this album, not for being as brutal as midget tossing, but for being good Death Metal with technical cuts and scary vokills; it's even better when you purchase this album thinking "I'm about to listen to some good ol' Death Metal" believe me. As a whole, this album is not butt ugly, the hooks will surely catch you, the moshing will surely take place, and the headbanging will be unstoppable. So, set your "hype" meter to low this time, then you'll enjoy.

Best Tracks: The Aftermath, Ubiquitous, Consuming Misery.

Download Now ! 

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