Beneath the Massacre (Canada (Montreal, Quebec) )

Beneath the Massacre - Marée Noire EP [2010] (Technical Brutal Death Metal)
Lable : Prosthetic Records

I remember a band named Beneath the Massacre. Their music was just above the half way mark. One day the band decided to release an EP with 5 tracks. 5 tracks you say? Oh how can this be any better than the record known as Dystopia?

Now that I have that out of my system let’s breakdown Marée Noire, a 5 track EP that is above the half way marker…actually its better than the bands last two full lengths, Mechanics of Dysfunction and Dystopia. To be blunt about it I found Marée Noire to be rather fantastic, nice on the ears and about the perfect length from a band that didn’t make me too happy two years ago.

This EP isn’t too long either, 5 tracks clocking in a little shy of 13 minutes. The EP starts off real strong with a three minute assault, simply called The Casket You Slept In. These Canadian’s better keep that casket because it got their creative juices flowing like a mother fucker. I was impressed to hear something new and fresh to their technical death metal sound that wasn’t overly impressive a few years ago.

The only real problem I have, or maybe I should say the only real beef I have with Beneath the Massacre, has to be the 42 second intro(?) Drill Baby Drill. Is this an intro track to Designed to Strangle or is it a place holder for the half way mark on the EP? It is a pointless track and it doesn’t do anything for the EP. I would have rather seen 4 tracks or a repeat track from another album, hell maybe a b-side.

Final Verdict
Praise the Gods and the Popeye’s employee who served you that 6 piece chicken strip meal. Beneath the Massacre has put together a 5 track EP that is pretty damn good, of course minus the pointless Drill Baby Drill track. If this is what we have in store for the next full length then I know the score on that album will be delightful.

Damn good technical death metal release. There is no reason why you shouldn’t buy this album.

Download Now ! 

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